Monday 5 August 2013

What Your Guests May Be Thinking

Just got engaged?  CONGRATULATIONS!!!                                                     
 But before you plan anything, read these common wedding guest complaints to protect yourself from planning mistakes.
Really you can’t please everyone and your wedding is your day of joy. Well, since you’re inviting Family and Friends just make sure they have a good time.
After a recent survey, we came up with these complaints from guests:

1. The food isn’t great .  Why would you bother spending thousands on decoration if your food is going to taste terrible? We want a delicious meal way more than pretty centre pieces. And please the fact that we’re not wearing Aso – Ebi doesn’t mean we should be ignored. You invited us, we didn’t come to beg for food.

2. You’re boring us.  The ceremony as a whole may be the most important to you, but the reception is what we’re really looking forward to. After it takes forever to get food to our tables, you’re boring us with speeches that last for 25 minutes and you play a string of songs making your selected friends group of friends jump and scream. We feel left out and if the Band/Dj is so bad that no one is even tapping toes – including you and your groom- we just think ‘Why are we even here?’ Showing us a really good time is the best you can do to thank us for giving up our weekend to celebrate with you.

3. You put us to work. Well, we know we have to help out with some tasks when we agreed to be on your train but we’ll rather much be a regular guest than having to baby sit the flower girls minutes before the reception.

4. We can’t believe you sat us here. We want to have fun at your wedding – believe us, but it’s pretty tricky when you sit us in front of giant speakers. We won’t be able to talk to anyone at our tables or enjoy the event if you’re blowing out our ear drums. And don’t make us suffer in the heat. If you’re using a hall, make sure the air conditioning is right. It’s not fair to expect us to dress up only to sweat in our fancy clothes.

5. Bad Timing. Huge time gaps between the Church service and reception (you know the ones where the Church starts 10 and the reception by 2) is annoying because you’re often leaving us in the middle of nowhere with absolutely nothing to do. We came to wine and dine and our stomachs are not that patient.

6. You picked a bad day. We’ve had weddings on every holiday from Independence to Christmas day. You must realise we’d rather be with our family instead of going to your wedding on those days. So if you must ruin our holidays, make sure it’s worth the while!!

7. You didn’t say ‘Thank you’. It’s frustrating when we travel all the way to your wedding and you don’t take time to thank us for making the trip. Even if we haven’t come from a long distance, just make an effort to thank us for coming anyway. We get that it’s hard to talk to every guest at the wedding, but that’s why at the very least, we better get a ‘Thank you’ message from you when you get back from your honeymoon!

PS: You can add yours in the comment below

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