Tuesday 10 September 2013


"You came here to spend the whole day with me and you expect us to just sit and stare at each other? I love you and i want to prove that to you....that's why you're my girlfriend".

I'm sure a lot of ladies are familiar with these lines.......

The human body is a gift from a mother and father with a unique identity marking every cell. Human sexuality is our capacity as whole persons to enter into love - giving, life - giving union in and through the body. To attempt to give oneself bodily in sexual intercourse before there is a permanent commitment of marriage undercuts the very meaning of sexuality and body.
One doesn't take a precious gift, present it to someone,
 and then retrieve, and re wrap it repeatedly (whether to the same recipient or countless recipients). That would be a mockery of the gift, the receiver and the giver. The meaning of gift itself is often lost in our culture. No wonder stores commonly issue 'gift receipts' so that gifts can be easily returned and replaced.

This topic is usually an issue inmost relationships.

Here"s what these ladies have to say.

Patricia (26) 
Abstinence is the the best. As difficult as it sounds, it"s possible. I'm solely not in support of it because it breeds distrust.
Q: What if your partner doesn't agree with you?
We would already have an understanding when we start dating. I'm using myself as an example. We both have very strong Christian backgrounds with a strong foundation.
 Hmmm...it's not easy i must say. It takes the grace of God because even sometimes when we can't hold on any longer, we kiss and feel bad and then start all over again seeking God's help. It's really very hard especially if you're sexually attracted to the person. Best advice is pray to God for help and also have the personal discipline. Avoid extreme enclosed places. Lastly, hurry up and do the needful if it's the will of God that you two be together.

Nkechi (25)
Hmm it is wrong. I know a guy that refused to get serious with me because i said no sex. It's bondage because it just traps  and binds you to someone unnecessarily. It's only God that can help us and keep us.

Sekinat (24)
It's not ideal because the guy must have known all about the Lady which simply means there are no new skills. Islamically, it is wrong! It is fully Aram. If he truly wants to settle down with you, sex shouldn't be a barrier. Ask God for assistance and make sure you're also disciplined. I know of a couple it worked for and they're happily married  now. It was even the guy that suggested the idea because he wants to marry her. It's not like she's running away and he has to do it before she disappears. Lol.

To so many singles out there, it's really not a big deal. People even gist freely about it. They tell you we're in the modern age.
It may be counter cultural today but God designed sex within marriage to be the expression of a permanent vow.
Sexual activity before or outside marriage has enormous consequences aside from the possibility of pregnancy. In sexual intercourse we become one flesh with another person which is an intensely spiritual act.
Without the formal commitment of marriage , sex becomes casual and more focused on personal pleasure than a joyful and mutual expression of God's love. A succession of sex partners can become the norm, and the pain of continually broken relationships affects the ability to trust and make future lasting commitments.
There is no evidence that engaging in pre - marital sex makes up for  happier and healthier marriages.

May God's grace abound as we seek to fulfill God's desire for life - long convenants through marriage.